Booya Game Development

iQue@Home Wallpapers

iQue@Home has a good amount of unique wallpapers that aren't accessible unless you are an iQue Registered User. So, I have taken it upon myself to upload them for anyone to access!

Click here to access the wallpaper page, as there are many and they would clutter this page: iQue Wallpapers

iQue@Home Translations


I will be fully translating iQue@Home, and recreating the graphics myself (as most of them contain Chinese text and need to be translated).

iQue Player Server Information & Reverse Engineering

iQue seems to have an RMS (Rights Management Services) Server, which the iQue Player "calls" to. This server is actually held in plain text, and can be changed from within the "SERVER" file, which is in the iQue@Home folder. This is great because you can change the server address, and it'll connect to and call, whatever you want it to. This is very useful for server spoofing.

The server address is:

The iQue can also be "persuaded" to dump it's connection and startup info into a dump file. Here is the link:

In the near future, I will be attempting to spoof the iQue's authentication server that checks the payment PINs. This purpose of this is to spoof it, to allow users to get free games. I will first be running some sniffing software, called "BURP", to see what is exactly sent and received during the payment process.

Some Interesting Links

It's possible to access the iQue@Home program, from within a web browser. This is possible because the program itself is just some HTML, Javascript, wrapped in a DLL. Give it a try. Here are the links:

It's also possible to get some pages in English, by changing the URL's locale from "locale=zh_CN" to "locale=en_US". However, this will only translate the plain text. It will not translate any of the graphics, which happen to be what 90% of the site is made from. Below is an example.

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